Outline - Pitch

My genre will be dark and moody thriller, with some sense of a physiological twisting plot. My opening will be constructed through the use of several cross cutting between two separate scenes, one of a high speed cut running scene of a shady looking character on a roof top, and the other a civilised household of a or several characters (maybe a mother) having dinner.

Detailed opening:

- Fade in from black
- Night time, dim lighting and flickering lights in the stairway
- Man or woman running up graffiti stained stair case in an estate
- Use of POV shots (to make it seen hectic and chaotic)
- Straight cut, short, to mother or several people at a dinner table
- Straight cut back to runner
- Opens fire escape door
- Runs up to edge of building and stands over the edge
- Cuts back to dinner table as mother shows concern
- A POV pan across London from the view of the runner on the ledge
- Close up of runners expresions (panting and in distress)
- Cuts back to dinner table, phone rings
- Mother answers phone (END)

Narrative / plot:

The Son or Daughter commits suicide in a frantic state when s/he jumps of their estate block. Police find markings on the body, signs of abuse and torture. The mother is called as she finds out the fait of her son/daughter. The police hunt down who caused the suicide  of the teenager, with the suspect doing anything to get away.