Title Background Graphic influences

One of our ideas for one of our ident, the ink going into water looked so good that we have decided to use it for the background of our titles. If the ink is a deep red then it looks like blood. The plan is to shoot this on a clean white background with no reflections.

Several films has influenced us in this idea, in particular the horror genre where several trailers contain a final shot of blood dripping down.

'It Follows' a modern horror film final shot of the trailer is exactly this. In this a shot blood is flowing into water, with the title then appearing in the middle of the blood.

As you can see this effect is very similar to the look we are going for and have already achieved. Our ink probably wouldn't be as thick or cover up as much of the screen however. Our's though will certainly arrive from the top and fall into frame, similar to this example.

Another horror film which utiltises blood in it's title is Oculus. In this the blood is shown to be forming in several shots before the camera then is pulled out to show it dripping of the side of a wall with the text in the middle of it.

The white title stands out over the blood which is dripping down, our plan is to utilise water so that the blood is less thick however this shows how effective using this effect can be as the deep red catches your attention, along with the dripping blood which is very striking.

As much of Skyfalls opening credits are under water, there are several shots of blood in water.

The blood particularly in the second image is very influential to us, particularly as it looks similar to our attempt, the close up of the blood/ink twisting in the the water. This just shows how powerful the effect can be given that it was used throughout the opening credits to one of the biggest films ever made. Skyfall is also a thriller like our film, showing that this effect also fits into our genre.

Using Art of the Title I have also found another credit which uses a deep red and flowing water/blood. Hannibal's opening credits are very powerful and have been critically acclaimed. Our titles wouldn't be making any shape however and again this is for a TV show however several aspects can be used.

The white background works extremely well when combined with the red, this is useful as it's similar to our plan. The contrast in the colours makes the red pop out of the screen and therefore drawing your attention towards it.