First audience feedback

We showed a very rough draft to several people in order to get a grasp of how our trailer was shaping up. At this point our trailer had all the shots from the shot list put in with the correct length, along with a 1st draft of the music. We had only put in black spaces in place of the titles/graphics.

After showing them our trailer we asked for tips on what needed to be improved:

  • Soundtrack needs more drama, and crescendo
  • As a trailer needs to be more thrilling, with the montage being quicker
  • Sound/dialogue needs to come in much tighter as they speak
  • Layering of sound
  • Too much posing in the shots
  • Opening and closing with the same shot??? Cut one
  • Fit quick shots to sound, maybe longer
  • Doorbell replaced with a knock
  • Longer black after the graphics
  • Cut tighter on the opening of the door
  • Spade in Act 1 shown too early, makes the job appear to be something that it's not
  • Shot of house needed, ESSENTIAL
  • Remove echo
  • Bag thrown down too slow
  • Too long on cocking of gun
  • Everything is too placed
  • Split audio 'lets go' over establishing shot of house
  • Music: Needs more drama
  • Some shot needed of them breaking into the hosue
  • 'We're done here' needs to be far quicker
  • Noise of door, doesn't work
  • Act 2/3 needs more danger, faster cuts, more happening, quicker, tighter montage
  • 'What are we going to do with her 'could come earlier, soundbridge + split audio edit
  • Pull out to the three shot later???
  • Start with single line 'What are we going to do with her' perhaps???
  • 'We can't kill her' in the montage???
Overall the main pointers are the music needs to be faster and every shot needs to be far tighter. These are both areas that we know need to be improved and we are already working on, as the music is only currently in it's first draft and we've only just begun editing the whole piece together. We also received plenty of praise, particularly surrounding the stylised nature of the shots and the overall feel of the trailer