For my magazine cover ideas I was particularly indecisive with the exact feel and style of the poster. I wanted to create a 'Little White Lies' type of magazine cover, with the slick and minimalist feel, however I was concerned I would not be able to include enough features to achieve a high mark. As such I began my ideas based around a 'Sight and Sound' type cover, using a strong base image with text over the top. I used a series of screen shots of our actors to create the mock up, but after doing so I was aware that I wanted and was set on doing a more stylised cover such as 'Little White Lies'.
I decided to have a go at mocking up a cover with the same style of a strong image, but add texture and style to the image, as well as bring in a background image as to create a more minimalist yet sophisticated feel to my cover. I used a series of Photoshop filters, as well as screen shots from our trailer layered on top of each other to create the slight 'outline glow' on the graffiti, as well as Robbie himself. However, after looking in closer depth at 'Little White Lies' cover's, they were far more stylised and graphically strong than this.
I wanted to create a poster like effect, playing around with filters such as 'cut out', and 'posterise', where It created this 2D feel to both the background and the image of Robbie. The only problem with such is that the detail of Robbie is lost, as well as the background, and so I changed this by filling in sections of both the background and foreground different colours. This created an overall more tonal effect which I liked.
I pushed this idea further, using a very similar style as to the one before, but taking inspiration from the 'Little White Lies' cover of Drive, where Ryan Gosling was in the foreground, and the background consisted of layers of coloured skyline which faded into white. Instead I tried using light pink to lift the cover, but I was not keen on this. As for the title, I liked the idea of it replication a puff, and the title idea was based around the circular and lens shape of the puff.
I will do a photo shoot as to find the right image for my cover, and I will develop this last idea further. I want to play around with colour, text placement, and style which will be seen in later posts as my cover develops.