Kidulthood Research

The initial scene is a boy playing football in slow motion, in an open frame, but the camera angle is a close up of the boy’s feet, with a pan to follow the ball.

The camera then whip pans to show a mid-shot of several groups, with the focus being on the groups and then out of focus elsewhere.

The camera then zooms in closer so that a close up is achieved, with sudden changes of focus.
The camera then cuts to an extreme close up of a drill bit being placed in the drill, and then cuts back to the playground as the camera pans slowly between groups, changing focus but staying at an open frame and mid-shot, which shows the chaotic environment of a playground.

The camera again shows an extreme close up of a closed frame where a boy is putting on safety goggle and turns on the drill.

As switch / reverse / switch is used as two girls are having a conversation about someone, then the camera whip pans across the playground again to show another conversation again at a mid-shot in an open frame.

The use of the open frame, mid-shots and whip panning is mainly to show the chaotic environment of a playground, which is achieved through the hand held camera as if someone is watching the people, like a point of view shot.