Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract / address your audience?

Initially Eliza and I decided to change our target audience from a lower age group to 20-30. This is because we discovered that younger ages where less keen on the idea of a social realistic thriller compared to a slightly older audience. This gave us a better idea of what the audience wanted and so allowed us to create a film specifically for that audience.

We rated our film a 15, and chose to target slightly older age group, but wanted to include the excitement of a thriller that might attract some of the younger age group as well. We generated a survey during our audience research, allowing us to see that it was the older age group that understood what a social realistic thriller was, which was the main motivation for our middle age group. We also learnt that people thought that the Mise En Scene and camera angles were very important in a thriller, and also the soundtrack, as these are all things that help make the thriller suspenseful. Through these studies we addressed our target audience and developed our product around these ideas to try and attract our audience.

Our audience response video is seen below:

We set up a Facebook page to help attract our audience, posting a survey to find out further what people were interested in. We continued to learn that a slow building suspenseful opening is what they wanted to see, and is hopefully what we achieved with our finished product. We really took into account what our audience suggested and developed our product around these ideas, which would help attract them, as they can then take more interest in our product.

We also wanted to attract our audience by having characters that people can relate to. The involved using verisimilitude to produce an opening that can involve the audience, to make it seem like a realistic plot so that they relate and take more interest in our product. We thought our soundtrack was a strong point to build suspense, as well as the contrasting settings, light and camera shots, which allowed for our slow building opening to be produced.

Survey response: