Rough edit cut

There was a problem with uploading, the clip is not 7:45 mins long but in fact ends at 2:00 mins

This is a rough cut of our editing. Though we decided most of the editing and the way we wanted our piece to look like, most of the editing was done by Eliza whilst I  developed the graphics of the ident and the title sequence.
We tried to create a smooth finish with the editing; we wanted high speed cutting to create tension and thrills.
Elements of psychological thrillers includes high speed editing, motivated editing, cross cutting and a face pace thrilling soundtrack. We have tried to create this in our first rough cut of editing.

However, upon attempting to edit our piece at first to create a similar opening to our animatic, we realised that cross cutting between the two parallel times was confusing and didn't make sense.
We have tried to clarify our piece by changing our narrative slightly, so that our piece is not cross cutting between past and present but stays in the present the whole time and only cross cuts between locations.
We thought this would would make our piece easier to follow as the audience follows the story of the protagonist at the same time.