Character: Older guy

In our film we would have three main actors who would be the ones to pull off the robbery. The older actor would be the leader of the group and the one in control. He should be a calm authoritative figure who the other members of the robbery listen to and take orders from. He should be shown to be all business and professional, however we should see a dark side of him which is shown when he decides that they need to kill the girl.

One major influence is Mr White from Reservoir Dogs as we feel that he holds the kind of gravitas that is needed from this character. We feel this is the kind of character that is needed as you can clearly see his calm nature and you care for his survival far more than any of the other characters. Another Harvey Keitel character, Mr Wolf from Pulp Fiction also follows the same outline for our character. In this film he again plays the older character who has done this kind of thing before and is a source of guidance for the other characters.However Keitel is probably slightly older than we would want for our character, though we can still use his characters for influences.

Another influence would be Liam Neesons' character from Taken. From this character we can take influences such as his calm nature which would be useful in the later parts of our film. Liam Neeson also has the older tough look that we would be aiming for. As this character will most likely be played one someone's parent, Liam Neeson looks around the right age.

De Niro's character in heat plays a similar character to the one we are imagining. An extremely suave, who dresses well, something we should be thinking of. De Niro in this film looks around the right age that we are imagining, around 40 and therefore this is an excellent character to be influenced by. This character also is calm and composed which would be important for our character to do as he would be the leader of the group.