Possible location: warehouse
One possible location for the warehouse is the gym at our school. It has the exact look that we are looking for, the brick and pipes along with having a large area so we can move around we ease. It also would be great to film here due to the convenience of it being at the school therefore it would be far easier to sort out our actors getting to school rather than some obscure location. If we do decide to use this location the radiators would be slightly annoying along with making sure nothing else is in shot, chairs etc but these are both problems which can be easily overcome.
The only major problem is that the gym is used for the mock exams, which means that we can't use it after the Christmas holidays as it would be all set up for exams. This means that we would have to film during the early part of the Christmas holidays or before we break up for the holidays, this may not be a problem but we have to be quick to make sure we can film there as currently it's our only option for our warehouse setting