Iron man: market research film trailer

Produce by Paramount pictures and Marvel, iron man was a huge success, and was sold successfully partly due to Robert Downey Jr. The use of explosions, technology and ego of ‘iron man’ was what was most attractive about the film to me. It sells the futuristic possibilities, making them seem realistic. The genre is created by the use of pyrotechnics, and again the suggestion that there is a war between the good and the evil, presenting the film to be a thriller. The mood changes throughout as it changes from upbeat and satirical to sinister and dark. The expectations are high, expecting it to be incredible visually, and have a great plot. The target audience, much like The Dark Night, applies to younger generations as it is much like a superhero, however also appeals to older generations as it is an interesting plot, and more serious than in the comics. The music consists of heavy guitar throughout the trailer, making it fast pace, though slows at times such as towards the end when he is stuck in his armour. The trailer uses a lot of close ups on iron man, to focus on him as a selling point, though uses a few longer range shots such as the explosion in the dessert. There are also a few shot reverse shots, presenting 'Tony Stark' at a high angle to make him seem more powerful, which is reflected by the music. The dialogue involves mostly Robert Downey Jr to present small pockets about the plot, and the over all format of the trailer is very similar to looper. That being that it consists of three acts, the first being a major incident in the film, and revealing a small bit about how the film starts. This is then followed by the view of 'Tony's' normal life, and how he begins to build iron man. The last act ends on a montage of fight scenes and key moments of the film while the music is heavy and exciting.