Starts with no sound bridge and cut from black as the boom introduces the setting, that being London.
The use of the background screechy noise and ticking builds up suspense, introducing the main cop, and villain. There is a voiceover conversation to establish that it is Jacob Sternewood that is the target, implying the entire film will be about catching him.
Act 1 consists of the build up in relations between the characters, whilst also introducing the opening to the plot of the film.
This swiftly moves on to act 2 where the plot develops, with shots of locations, explosions and fight scenes occur. The tensions builds and the music quickens on to act 3.
Act 3 is then a montage of shots from the film, to end with an important part to the film, with a close up shot of the hand saying 'punch 119' before the title comes up.
The titles are clean, with the catch phrase of 'know your enemy'