Kingsman is produced by 20TH century Fox, and it's genre is clearly a thriller. Very little about the narrative is presented, other than the background story behind the main character, and small pockets of clips from fight scenes and other scenes in the film. It has a selling point of some key actors, them being: Colin Firth, Michael Caine, and Samuel L. Jackson, as well as a unique and exciting plot. The target audience ranges from 12+ to early 30's, however having seen the film I would change this to 15+, due to its incorporation of blood and gore. The music is a rhythmic base which builds the trailer to be more interesting. The shots are mostly mid shots at a low angle, though this changes towards the end, as the main character develops, when more close up high angle shots are used to make him seem more important. It is fast pace, particularly at the montage towards the end, shown by the quick cuts between shots. There is a lot of dialogue, mainly between the 'kingsman' and the main character. The trailer starts with a voiceover, presenting the main characters past and issues. The format is split into three sections, the first being the voiceover and montage about the main characters past. The music then changes into a more upbeat soundtrack as act two starts. This is a series of shots the begin the process of the main character becoming a spy. Lastly the final act is then another montage, much faster, of action shots in the film, as the music mirrors the pace.