The kick ass film trailer is made to be thrilling, with scenes of intense action, gore, threat and fighting. All these combine together to make the film seem epic, as though it was the best action movie created. It opens with the Lionsgate production name, as well as 'MARV', as a chord plays loudly to grab your attention. This moves onto a sound bridge of the main character asking 'how come no one has ever tried to be a superhero'. This to me was particularly interesting as I found myself instantly being more eager to watch due to the involvement of the element of the supernatural. The trailer sells the action and violence of the film, as most scenes appear to involve some if not all fighting. The genre is clearly action and the mood changes throughout, with small parts of humour, but the mood is mostly epic. The colours are all bright, drawing the viewers attention to it, such as the car, the costumes and the fight scenes, but the trailer really focuses on characters, which almost allows the audience to relate to them with age and interests. The form is not as obvious as other film trailers, however it does begin with an insight to the plot, followed by background information and his transformation into the super hero, then ending on a montage fight scenes, as the other characters are all introduced, including the villain. All in all this trailer sums up the film itself, but reveals very little about the plot, and is one of my personal favourites. The music is constant throughout, building the trailer, from the high school into the more serious fighting. The shots consist of fast pace cuts of extreme close ups during the fight scenes, which changes in the quieter scenes at the start which are mid range, and open frames, such as the group of friends walking around school. The form consists also of three parts, the first setting the scene of the main character, which is followed by the plot development, then ending on a montage of fights scenes of different characters. All in all the film trailer is fast pace and exciting, and completes its job of being attention grasping.