The film is produced by Outsider pictures, and their logo is presented very briefly in the opening of the trailer with an overlay soundtrack of a faint heartbeat. The trailer is broken up with reviews from The Times, Film Review and Big Issue, which is one of the key selling points, as they all promote the film. This is matched with the suspense built by the raw filming, selling the film as a social realism genre, which is what makes the trailer particularly interesting for me. The mood is very different, as it is much more raw and bleak, shown by the dull colours and urban locations, and so I expect it to be thrilling and brutal. This trailer is less successful than others such as The Dark Knight, as it is not a big budget thriller that uses pyrotechnics and an thorough plot. However it does work with the use of small amounts of violence and the threat of something abusive. The target audience would seem to be 15+ as it includes adult themes such as prostitution, which is explicitly seen throughout the trailer. The format begins with the setup, introducing the young female actor, and some other key characters, while hinting at the pot. This is quickly contrasted by an upbeat scene where another woman is helping the young girls, suggesting a sense of escape, know to explain the plot in simple forms. The trailer then ends with the third part, where it presents a sense of threat and change, which is done to leave the audience feeling the suspense, hence attempting to make the viewer want to go and see it.