Theory: Tzvetan Todorov

Tzvetan Todorov suggested there were five stages to a narrative:

A disruption of this equilibrium by an event
A realisation that a disruption has happened
An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption
A restoration of the equilibrium which may be a new or changed one

This is a very basic film theory and can be applied to almost any movie.

It does not, however, cover all complex events.

Todarov also suggested that there is a common narrative structure as he wrote eight different story lines that are used throughout most movies:

1. The quest (Indiana Jones)

2. Redemption (Groundhog Day)

3. Journey to Another World (Interstellar) 

4. The Beast transformed by love - (Beauty and the Beast)

5. Solving of Riddles - (Se7en; Da Vinci Code)

6. Biter-bit (Oppressed who rise up - The Matrix; The Hunger Games)

7. Stranger Saviour - (Book of Eli)

8. Rise and Fall (Wolf of Wall Street)

Our film would most likely contain the Redemption storyline